Imagination Meaning
Active imagination
Active imagination is a big difference between fantasy and reality. If
the flight of the mind is more, then the difference widens. You should have
control over your will and mind. With positive thinking, the will power starts
working. With positive thinking, the imagination of the mind starts turning
into reality.
How does imagination happen?
What is imagination? Positive imagination of the mind is an
important aspect of life. Imagination connects man with inner mind to outer
mind and outer mind with inner mind. The inner mind is signaled by the outward
gestures of the mind. Due to which the feeling of the external mind, due to
deep thinking, imagination occurs in the mind. The mind is affected by
imagination. Due to which the imagination of man increases. For the imagination
to be correct and positive, the mood of the mind should be positive and
balanced. So that the intuition establishes its imagination correctly. A
negative emotion enters the imagination. So that brings about a change in the
feeling of his mind. Due to which the dynamic imagination starts to deteriorate.
Therefore, no negative emotion should ever be allowed to arise during the
imagination or in the mind.
Active imagination How does imagination work?
When the mind
concentrates and thinks about something. The sense of imagination goes to the
inner mind to the subconscious mind. By repeatedly thinking about a topic, those
thoughts become concepts of thinking imagination. After a few days, thoughts
related to it automatically start coming. During that time, to make his imagination
come true, he starts thinking in his mind. Some even start activities. Imagination
and action go hand in hand. Negative emotions also arise in the mind. The mind
also works towards negative energies.
Imagination is more important than knowledge, what is the understanding of the mind?
The knowledge of right and wrong comes from the mind. Then
follow the positive aspect of the mind and move forward. There are two types of
understanding of the mind. One positive the other negative is the understanding
of the mind. Taking positive understanding out of it, one should move forward. Negative
emotions also remain in the mind. The mind divides every thought into two parts.
Then the mind has to decide. Which Bhava, Imagination, Understanding is
positive. One should move towards positive understanding.
Imagination How does the brain make sense during imagination and psychological imagination?
of imagination and mind are very complex. During imagination, the mind at all
times divides the understanding into two parts. One positive understanding the
other negative understanding. Sometimes both the understandings go together, then
there is harassment in the mind. Even after wanting lakhs, it becomes difficult
to remove the negative understanding. From the point of view of knowledge, understanding
is a great knowledge. who were imagining. That imagination becomes
unimaginative instead of being balanced. Then negative thoughts come again and
again. For balanced imagination, concentration peace, calm mind, balanced heart
and mind, there should be no hatred towards any particular person in the mind. Don't
let the wrong notions already sit in your mind. Have complete control over
yourself. You have to be very careful. Then the imagination becomes positive. Imagination
comes true. Imagination comes to fruition. The sense of karma awakens. Positive
thinking of the mind moves towards the sense of imagination. Then the fantasy
comes true. Imagination is fruitful.

What should be done to understand positive imagination and positive thinking?
Need to be very careful.
Big or small, own or foreign, everyone has to have the same
If there is any filth, wrong feelings and thoughts lying in
the mind, then it has to be removed.
There should be compassion in the heart.
One should be aware of every subject matter.
Want to be active.
No work should be left unfinished.
There should be a feeling of action in the mind.
One should take full sleep during the night, should not stay
awake till late night, should never sleep during the day.
One should connect intimately with the people.
You should think positive.
One should be aware of everything.
One should not hurt anyone's heart.
What effect does positive imagery have on the heart and mind?
The mind becomes happy when it becomes positive.
Feelings of mind are positive.
Thinking is positive.
Thoughts are high.
Spiritual power increases.
The mind becomes calm and focused.
Darkness is removed from life.
Self-light and enlightenment increase.
Negative feelings are gone.
The mind remains positive.
Positive energy is received.
The mind remains calm and active.