Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2021

Benefits of buying a property in the park of Knowledge In the enjoyment of knowledge the property is real that it should be pleasant

What are the benefits of purchasing property in knowledge park?


The benefits of buying a property in the Park of Knowledge

In the enjoyment of knowledge, the property is real that it should be pleasant. The park of knowledge. So Palace should also be attractive to the mind. If it is in a garden of flowers, it should also be fragrant. If you are in the orchard of fruits, then even sweet juicy fruits should be mixed with food. It is imperative to have trees and plants in the garden. To look beautiful even from a distance, the show should be good. There should also be a gardener in the garden.

Everything is available in the park of knowledge. If we look at life from the point of view of knowledge 

in order to look good, first of all one must be positive in mind, deed and words. If the mind is cool and seductive, it will automatically become fragrant. To cool the mind, throw out all the garbage that is in the mind. Otherwise, this will become a tree and a rudder. Therefore, always keep cleaning the tree and the hull. So that trees and plants can grow properly in the park of knowledge. Coolness of mind teaches knowledge. Which makes the mind attractive. Like a fragrant flower, it becomes the center of attraction among everyone. The knowledge that comes out of such a person's knowledge, thinking, understanding, wisdom is only suitable and beneficial like a sweet juicy fruit. The gardeners of the park of such knowledge are loyal people.

Life should be for the good. Everything in the world can be bought. 

You can never buy a natural gift. Knowledge, imagination, thinking, understanding, intellect, conscience, all these are the gifts of nature. It is established in life through awareness, spontaneity, humility, nature. Put any price in the world on it and buy the natural quality. If there is anyone like this, please let us know. We are also very curious. These qualities of knowledge are now available in the market. So there is no question in my view of buying a property in the Park of Knowledge. But you can establish wealth in your life in the park of knowledge.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Biggest pillar in the imagination of human life knowledge is necessary at every stage in life along with the development of intelligence knowledge

Knowledge is the biggest pillar in the imagination of human life knowledge is necessary at every stage in life along with the development of intelligence knowledge is very necessary for balance and ease in life

How powerful is the wheel of time? Everyone knows about the cycle of time. 

Today there is happiness, tomorrow there is sadness again, happiness and then sadness is such a life cycle. What happens with this? This is the real cycle of life. Which everyone has to believe. One has to understand the cycle of time. The child is born. Then in childhood. Then goes into adolescence. Later comes puberty. Then after that it goes into superstition. Then going into old age, attains its final stage of death. That is the life cycle. In this, man enjoys good and bad happiness and sorrow. Sometimes alone and sometimes lives together. Living with mother's address in childhood. After that he lives a long life living with his wife. Then later spends time on his own with children and grandchildren. In the end, after attaining death, he goes to that house. Where did he come to get knowledge. Now the question is arising that what is human life? What is its existence? There is a great existence. If understood, the same life cycle connects one to the other. Everyone is connected to each other. So that the knowledge of one is passed on to the other who is unknown. Knowledge is not hidden anywhere. In logic, knowledge does arise. He defines everyone in the collection of knowledge and behaviour by connecting man to man. There is a living. By acquiring knowledge, every human being will reach the same place one day or the other. From where did you come here? Why don't we make good use of this time. support each other. We get good knowledge from them. Give them your good knowledge. This will make everyone's time better. This is the ocean of knowledge and this is the way of life. In the rest of the supreme knowledge, what is left from birth to death and after death. Only knowledge remains.

Knowledge is the biggest pillar in the imagination of human life

The biggest pillar in the imagination of human life is knowledge. Knowledge is necessary at every stage of life. Along with the development of intelligence, knowledge is very important for balance and ease in life. Otherwise, the incompleteness of knowledge can also bring turmoil in life. Generally, the development of knowledge should start from childhood itself. By which the ability to understand, the ability to think is acquired. In the future, one has to overcome the difficulties that come in life. To overcome the obstacles of life, a person has to work very hard with intelligence. In the ups and downs of life, whether it is work, business, service, worldliness, getting up in the society, there is a great need for wisdom, discretion and understanding everywhere in the family. That's why knowledge is very important in life. Knowledge maintains balance in the life cycle. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

intelligence should be on the mind keep the mind busy towards those who are working in living work diligently and to maintain one's existence, wisdom and discretion accompanies everywhere

Life and mind

Life is the reality of life 

Imagination is the source of the mind. Mind says something else but life is the name of responsibility. The struggle is for life. When the mind keeps on eating casserole. Life wants to work hard day and night. But the mind can also stop him from doing so. Life is truth and reality. The mind can also boast.


The mind can be controlled by means of life 

It is not easy to make changes in the life going on through the mind. No one has been able to understand the world of the mind till date. If you try to understand life, then the mind definitely starts to understand.


Wisdom is the true helper of life

Whatever the mind thinks, but the work should be done in life with wisdom and discretion. For prosperity the mind should be run according to life. Increased mind can also get stuck in the way of prosperity. The successful struggle of life is to have control over the mind. Control of the mind is very important for the upliftment of life.


Keep the mind busy towards those who are working in living 

To work diligently and to maintain one's existence, wisdom and discretion accompanies everywhere. Never do anything in life that will cause any disorder in the intellect. If the mind does not trust the mind, then it also comes, vice and formless. But intellect is a pillar of wisdom for life.


For a successful life, the effect of intelligence should be on the mind

It should not happen that the effect of the mind falls on the intellect. The mind is its own. But the parts of life are related to many people through which life goes on. For the upliftment and success of life, it is good to activate the intellect.    


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