Showing posts with label concentration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label concentration. Show all posts

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Active imagination nature of the mind also seems to be the same. Due to this the mind gets engaged in the work according to the imagination

Active imagination

Active imagination is very important in life for development of knowledge and fame

Active imagination has great importance in life. Especially for such a person who is positive. The person who has gained his fame in many fields due to his special nature and personality. Their thinking, understanding, discretion, intelligence, nature are friendly and aware. Such persons do a lot in their life for the development of knowledge and fame. 

Active imagination necessary to activate the mind well and be positive and balance

In order to have an active imagination, the mind should be well activated and remain concentrated. Mind, thinking, understanding, intelligence, conscience must be positive and balanced. So that in the course of your thinking, there can be a clear depiction in the imagination. That's when imagination starts to ease. As you imagine. The nature of the mind also seems to be the same. Due to this the mind gets engaged in the work according to the imagination. The work gets done quickly and accurately. For such an active imagination one has to make repeated efforts. As long as the mind does not imagine in a comfortable sense. However, not everyone gets success in this endeavor. Only those who make constant efforts to concentrate for active imagination get success in active imagination.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Main qualities of life Is there any relation between previous birth date of birth and current birth date of birth

Virtues of life

What are the main qualities of life?

The main qualities of life are simplicity, ease, concentration, balanced thinking, prudence, intelligent work and duty, gentleness, compassion, necessary imagination, calmness, intellectual, playfulness, movement in one's work, dynamism, fearless, balance, wealth, poverty, happiness Sadness, belongingness, tenderness, respected, knowing, knowledgeable, pure, serious are such positive qualities.

There are also negative qualities in the quality of life, harshness, ruthlessness, narrowness, ruthlessness, ruthlessness, poverty, uncomfortable, unbalanced thinking understanding, prudence, intellect, delusional, drowning in the imagination of the mind, inferiority of action.

Is there any relation between previous birth date of birth and current birth date of birth?

There is no such proof yet. Which certifies whether there is any relation between the previous birth date of death and the present date of birth. Seen many places. No such evidence of reincarnation has been found anywhere.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Planting garden around the house, often people have many places around their house, which people use for garden gardening, in which people plant vegetables, fruits or flowers.

Benefits of Gardening


There are many benefits of planting a garden around the house 

Often people have many places around their house. That people use. For garden gardening, in which people plant vegetables, fruits or flowers.


By planting flowers in the garden, the surrounding environment becomes fragrant

Looks great too. Together, flowers and leaves are found in the garden for worship at home. It should be in the thinking of the person. Plant a garden around your house. There is always some empty space around the house of the people. The gene must be put to good use. The importance of the garden is great then. When people sit in the garden in the morning and evening. Enjoys his life. A pleasant environment is found for thinking or imagining some deep subject.


By planting greens vegetable in the garden 

Sometimes we get sometime  greens vegetable for the house. By planting fruit trees such as banana, guava, pear, cilantro, pomegranate, mango, plum, people often plant it around their house. From time to time, fruits are fulfilled in the house. The shade of the tree is available in the summer season. A suitable environment is found to enjoy the pleasant cool breeze.


The way of peace of life is also found through garden gardening 

The more a person uses his time properly, the more concentration and peace will be established in his life. The first advantage of this will be that an empty mind will not become the house of the devil. Time will be put to good use. The remaining morning and evening time will be spent in gardening.


Oxygen will be available in abundance in the atmosphere 

The surrounding environment will be peaceful. It will make a huge contribution to the protection of the environment. Along with our country, many nations are paying attention to the protection of the environment.

Meditation is not done on own or only we have to experience the process that happens automatically Meditation is a type of process that happens automatically after going into meditation.



What is meditation? 

This is a type of process that happens automatically after going into meditation. Meditation is not done on its own or only we have to experience the process that happens automatically. There is no effort in it, just concentrate the mind in meditation. To think or understand anything done is not meant to be focused only and just concentrate where we are, there is no thought, no thinking, there should be no encompassing of concentration. There is no place for self, just no meditation, no thought of concentration, no thought, it makes the mind grow stronger, no effort is to be made for it. Just sit calm and feel calm and calm and calm and feel peace towards positive concentration. This has to be made, it calms the mind, negativity stops jumping This also calms the mind, calming Bachelor calms the mind too, then after a little effort of meditation, the mind starts to calm down and Bachelor is also positive, even after meditation, we have to feel positive in our work.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Thought that imagination of human life, the feeling of morality is a great knowledge in the development of life, having virtue creates concentration in life, in virtue, there is a lot of development of thought

Thought that what do we really need

Have we ever thought that what do we really need, why do we meet people, why we talk well, what is the reason, if we think once, then everything will be understood, we really need to know about them. Nothing is needed, their contact is necessary, it is necessary to take our things forward so that we can have contact, our business flourishes and our name should be there, this concept must be there, the basic thing is that for our contact to increase, there should be stability in the mind. There should be a feeling of love in talking to anyone, and by keeping it in such a way, concentration develops, which creates a feeling of love, which connects everyone to each other, talking with love will increase the contact. The person who does not have the feeling of love in his mind, then he is not fit to be human, in fact man should be virtuous, virtue is developed only by the feeling of love, which connects with each other and makes contact. And this leads to the progress of all of us.


Imagination of human life, the feeling of morality is a great knowledge in the development of life 

Having virtue creates concentration in life, in virtue, there is a lot of development of thought, due to which people mix, communication increases, awareness increases among people. It helps a lot in removing the obstacles coming from time to time, for the development of human life, we should imagine for our good mind every day, until we do not think organized and balanced, till there is no development of simplicity in life Concentration, modesty, virtue, these are the best things of all human beings.


Parents are pillars of life the cornerstone of life, parents are the foster parents of children, even if there is some difference in worldly knowledge, then it can be resolved through their parents, elders and teachers also help, knowledge is never hidden

Life a struggle

Pillars of life

Parents are the cornerstone of life. The parents are the foster parents of the children. Even if there is some difference of opinion in worldly knowledge. He can be resolved through his parents. Elders and teachers also help. Knowledge is never hidden. If the environment is like this, people learn even by deceit. Therefore life itself is a struggle.


Education by parents

Children are the darlings of parents from birth. They are maintained by their parents. This is world famous. Not only to feed them, but also to take care of them from small to big. Home education, then education in school is everywhere under the supervision of parents. Even if the teacher is the medium of knowledge of the school, the role is that of the parents. Later on, to complete the high school education. Until a job is found somewhere. Till then, the care of the parents in every way is only.


Parental struggle for children

What happens in the life of a struggling mother? By which road? All these wishes are fulfilled by the parents. Sometimes such situations also happen. Whose children do not let their children interfere in any kind of education and knowledge. He bears every bad situation on himself. Do not let your children suffer even a single bit. What is all this? The struggle is there. Everyone has to struggle to live life.


The struggle of a promising child

The struggle is even for that promising child. He is a wise and intelligent child. With the knowledge given by parents, their self-knowledge increases their self-confidence. Due to which, after working hard day and night in their studies, they move forward. This only increases the knowledge. Concentration of the mind is created. Concentration of mind helps a lot in making life simple and easy. The main door to the simplicity and ease of life is concentration. Gets through living in any one medium. Concentration for struggle is very important in life. Concentration should be established in life. So no matter how much trouble or trouble life comes. There is no flutter in the mentality of that person. He keeps on walking consciously on his purpose. He continues to live his life. This is the hallmark of a life full of struggle.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Continuous effort in mind becomes calm and concentrated in which happiness, cheerfulness, courage, courage, ability to strive for any work, firm determination, ability to work continuously

Nothing is bigger than action, only action is great and it is spirituality, it is the way of living that is true happiness and that is humanity


Effect of karma on mind

Karma is the religion of man, which is very necessary for the spiritual progress of life. Spirituality is the art of living the life of man. Life is the art of learning of high ideals. Here the mention of spirituality in the form of three knowledge is sattvik, majestic and tamasic, whatever may be the mental state. A tamasic person who walks on the path of knowledge in the right way can make progress in his spiritual upliftment. It can be known that a lot has to be done to change the mind, that is the medium, doing karma convinces the mind a million, but he does not believe that there is a change in the mind only by doing good deeds, the mind of those who do good deeds are filled with joy and gaiety. It happens that happiness is established through giving happiness to others.


Mind is transformed by karma

Suppose if we do any bad work, then our mind gets disturbed by it, when instead of doing bad work, we do good work for the good or service of whom, then the mind becomes happy, no matter how bad we are or When we say chili, it seems spicy when sugar seems sweet, similarly, doing good deeds on good service by a bad person makes that bad person happy for some time or for a few moments, so with selfless service. The mind becomes more cheerful as it does something good for the society or a particular person, but it should not be imaginative to achieve any subject matter inside the mind, then selfless service definitely results.


With continuous effort, the mind becomes calm and concentrated in which happiness, cheerfulness, courage, courage, ability to strive for any work, firm determination, ability to work continuously

The mind is swelled up slowly, this effort should be continuous, by talking to the children, they are pleased with the blossoming of something sweet, even if one's mind is pleased by seeing a lovely child. Service, by completing one's work on time, laziness is removed, to remove laziness one has to work continuously, which creates a feeling of loneliness, which gives the ability to maintain any work or service for a long time. It is attained which eliminates laziness completely. The virtue of firm determination develops. Spiritual progress increases through selfless service, due to which happiness, cheerfulness increases in the mind, which gets real happiness in the mind, negative feelings start ending, positive energy spreads in life, selfless work, service gets progress in life. Recognition increases in people, fame and work is achieved, due to which that person becomes great. That is what is actually called a human being.

Karma: Good worship, Positive work of life without any profit, thinks which do for people good service without any gain or The good and bad deeds of the individual in this and previous state of existence. 

Sattvik: Moral
Rajasi: Majestic, Causing Great, Admiration, Respect
Tamasic:  Darkness of life, Evil mind effect, Bad manner effect, Negative mind effects. 


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