Showing posts with label conscious mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conscious mind. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2021

Real life mind do not give wind to the desire of the mind by thinking what should spread more legs than the number of sheets

Real Life Mind

Real life I try to understand the mind. 

Question arises upon question. The mind sometimes thinks like this! The mind sometimes thinks like that! As much as I try to get into my mind. I get confused. Thinking about what is necessary and what is not necessary. The mind is faster than I am not. I do not chase my mind thinking that I will not be able to win with it. When I am not able to complete my required activities. What I think doesn't happen and what I don't think is happening. Will I then be able to live up to my expectation by following this mind? I wake up in the morning to complete my routine. My daily karma and work work have not been completed on time till date. So can I ever fulfil the desire of the mind? Whatever I think that I should complete today, something or the other remains. So it is completed by going on the second day itself. And it takes several days to complete something less. So when will I fulfil the desire of the mind? I do not give wind to the desire of the mind by thinking that what should spread more legs than the number of sheets. If something becomes high and low, then I will get stuck somewhere if I hit my heart. I would never want the bull to kill me like this. I follow my mind as far as it is justified. I do what I have full knowledge and knowledge about. I try my best to keep learning something new everyday. I like to read good informative books. By not wasting wasted time, I pay more attention to my work and duty. I try to fulfil my responsibility. That's why I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy.



How many months are required to get super conscious mind?

Real life to attain super conscious mind, concentration not time is required. To attain the super conscious mind, one has to first purify the mind. One has to be aware of every incident. So that the effect of any kind of emotion does not even affect the mind and the mind should always remain simple and alert in any situation or situation. Make the mind such that neither sorrow is felt in sorrow and neither happiness is felt in happiness, then super conscious mind can move forward for success. When the feeling of the mind becomes easy while being alert. Then the mind becomes cheerful and filled with joy and gaiety. Then no matter how much happiness or sorrow such a person feels, then there is no feeling. There is no hope of any kind of change in the mood of the mind. To attain super conscious mind, yoga meditation with complete control over the mind, intellect, thinking is very important. After attaining a comfortable state in meditation, it is progressed through the subconscious mind to attain the super conscious mind. By looking into one's own mind, whatever is lying inside the mind, everything is removed and the mind is purified. So that there is no effect of any external emotion in the mind. Then the seeker resides in his soul not in the mind. Then there is no feeling in the pure state. Like the mind has died. Then there is no attachment in the seeker even for his own body. The mind gets power only after the attachment is over. Then there is no mind, there is power of the mind. There is no desire, there is will power. Then the seeker makes his new creation through the power of the mind. In which there is no place for any negative subject matter. If you make such efforts for the purpose of welfare in the world, you can get success. The hope of success is very less if you aim for the attainment of any subject matter. The attainment of the finished subject matter is the feeling of the mind. By attaining the super conscious mind the mind is exhausted. Only the power of the mind remains. Desire ends. Only the will power remains. When you bring the spirit of the mind again, all the power starts to drain. Due to this there is a fear of corrupting the intellect. Can go crazy too. Never try alone to attain the super conscious mind through meditation. Knowing it worthy, try this only under the supervision of a self-knowledge and real life knowledge.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Real life knowledge do you see life main quantities of life development of life is based on progress if life is full of education and knowledge then success will never be far from it

Real Life Knowledge

Real life time from birth to death is called life. 

Real life in childhood, by playing laughter, children keep on having fun while studying and writing. He moves on with his life. In adolescence, understanding all kinds of knowledge, right, wrong, good and bad, they move forward. receive education. Understand the colors of life. Proceeds in life. At a young age, he understands the responsibility of life. People get all kinds of knowledge and education by taking care of family, work, people sitting in society. After getting a life partner with his life, he spends life together. Moving on with the new generation. Understand the ups and downs of life in adulthood. He teaches his elders with his knowledge and experience. The society takes care of the family. Moving on by living life. In old age one experiences all kinds of sorrow and happiness. One by one, we move towards the end of our life by giving our knowledge and experience to others. Later he receives death. In this way life passes from birth to death.

How do you see real life?

Real life must first be understood through knowledge. The greatest value of life is education and knowledge. On which the development progress of life is based. If life is full of education and knowledge, then success will never be far from it. Wisdom refers to the experience in the work arrangement among the people in life. How do you spend your life at the time of happiness and sorrow in life? How to keep life simple and alert in difficult times and horse gaiety. Shows very useful properties. Responsibility shows responsibility towards one's work order in life. Responsibility towards family, children and elders is very important. For the life of man, virtue harmony is of great importance in the structure of life.


Real life main quantities of life

Real life main of life is only 10 per cent. According to spiritual knowledge human beings are 10% active conscious mind. The remaining 90 per cent are unconscious. The activation of the conscious mind is the cause of growth and success in life. Therefore the main quantity of life is 10% active mind.


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