Showing posts with label Breathing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breathing. Show all posts

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Own knowledge own feelings heartless and relaxed is knowledge to feel life is knowledge

Brief Note on How I Create Knowledge


Where do I come from? Who am I? What happens to me? What do I consider myself to be? To understand knowledge, it is necessary to explain oneself first. Knowledge is generated only by understanding oneself. Knowledge is created by understanding oneself. Everything is contained in one's own knowledge. own feelings. Heartless and relaxed is knowledge. To feel life is knowledge. The source and origin of the inner and outer mind is knowledge. The joys and sorrows of life are knowledge. Breathing, speaking, hearing, seeing is the knowledge which is inspired in the mind through the mind and heart. Understanding is knowledge. Wisdom is wisdom. Whatever arises in life, the emotion that arises in the mind is knowledge in the form of understanding.


Two types of meditation for both types of meditation to happen automatically a little effort has to be made in the beginning, later meditation happens automatically

Meditation of the divine Meditation is done in many ways  Meditation is tried in the beginning, later meditation happens automatically. Me...